EnJOY this 7 day Chakra Aligning Program lead by Meditative Mind
7 Chakras Seed Mantras Cyclic Chanting Meditation : Root Chakra to Crown
Chakra to Root Chakra
The 7 Chakras are the energy centers of our bodies and build our Inner Lives. Our Outer Life Experience is in direct corolation with our Inner Lives, so achieving a State of Well-being and JOY is crucial for health, balance and REALIZING your dreams and Life Goals without sabotaging them by fears. Fears of not succeeding and fear of success has been a big one for me.
A daily practice of meditation and chakra alignment has now
become crucial to stay healthy and balanced in this time of great change and
Ascension towards the 12th dimension. I am pleased to share this 7 Chakras Seed
Mantras Cyclic Chanting Meditation: Root Chakra to Crown Chakra Program by
Meditative Minds.
The 7 Chakras: Names and chants
1. Root Chakra - LAM chants.
2. Sacral Chakra - VAM Chants
3. Solar Plexus Chakra - RAM Chants
4. Heart Chakra - YAM Chants
5. Throat Chakra - HAM Chants
6. Third Eye Chakra - OM Chants
7. Crown Chakra - AH Chants
7 Chakras Seed Mantras Cyclic Chanting Meditation : Root Chakra to Crown Chakra to Root Chakra
Youtube Video by Meditative Mind
A 7 day "Bootcamp" is suggested by Meditative Minds. I advise that you try to incorporate them at your own "intuitive" pace. I have incorporated morning and evening meditations to my lifestyle to be able to "cope" with what is now happening in our evironment and to stay in integrity. So many peoples and creatures of the earth are now suffereing and being decimated due to acts of violence and terrorism rooted in the States of Greed, Anger and Animality predicted in all Sacred Books of the earth. I have studied the 10 States of Being and have been a practioner of Nichiren Buddhism, NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO, The Essence of the Sutra of The Lotus for 10 years now. Please take care of yourselves by aligning your Mind, Body and Spirit. How to do this? Feed your mind with good things (choose what you watch, read and listen to), feed your body with healthy foods, exercise and rest. Please view my below post on the "Effects of our Emotions on our Body, A Study on Water Crystals". Aiming for the Middle Way is key, living in any State of Extreme is destructive to yourself and to the people around you. Like a drop of water falling in a body of water, the ripples affects the whole body of water.
For every Action or lack of Action there is a Result. Karma does not forgive. Please Feed your Spirit with prayer, meditation and the right foods for your Mind Body and Spirit on a daily basis for in the end all that matters is being healthy and happy, to love and to be loved. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST for you are complete.
The 7 Chakras and their Sacred Names and Symbols:
"Integrate wellness into your everyday and your life
will change forevermore"
- Joyce Veeramootoo
- Joyce Veeramootoo
Informations & Registration:
The Comfort Zone Program
5178 Queen Mary Road, Montreal, Qc. H3W 1X5
Office: 438.930.2899
Business hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Email: programmezonedeconfort@gmail.com
The Comfort Zone Program@
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