The Comfort Zone Wellness Program was created to assist a group of participants to attain the level 1 to 3 of the Comfort Zone as per the teachings of Dr. Sherry Daniel, Ph D., Founder of the Miracle School and Director of the Heaven based in San Francisco, C.A. & Maui, Hawaii. We incorporated Nichiren Buddhism Principles of Living and Peace Culture EducationTeachings of the S.G.I. International.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
The JOY of your own True Divine Nature
It can take much courage to express and to realize yourself fully in today's modern world. It seems that society has raised the bar so high that many of us just quit before taking that first step to realizing a goal or a dream. We are often faced with such high levels of expectations and it seems that the "competition" is always better or we become filled with jealousy when we look at our neighbor's seemingly greener pastures. Is the grass really greener on the other side? If we chose to compare ourselves to others we will absolutely quit before trying. A daily practice of meditation and self-love has now become mandatory to be healthy and balanced in today's world. I fell upon Matt Kahn's, True Divine Nature Youtube Channel two years ago. His lectures can be compared to purely improvised meditations, composed of amazing teachings. He is soft spoken, calm funny and takes the time to elaborate his teachings in a clear and understandable fashion. I hope to be able to able to attend one of his "live" lectures one day which are JOYOUS celebrations of LIFE and of our True Divine Nature. He has assisted me on my journey of self-discovery and has helped me to accept my true mission and yes, my one Divine Nature. I am glad to share his latest teaching and link to his YOUTUBE Chanel in the hopes that it can perhaps assist you on your own journey of self-discovery and healing today. Enjoy Matt Kahn's latest video "Seven Holy Words" and "The Declaration of Divinity". Wishing you all a good start to the New Year. Namaste : )
"Integrate wellness into your everyday and your life
will change forevermore" - Joyce Veeramootoo
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